
Wen-do instructor bios and contact info

Leslie Allin

Leslie loves teaching Wen-Do because working at the intersection of practice (learning effective physical techniques) and theory (dismantling stereotypes surrounding violence against women, knowledge about self-defense, and naming women’s experience) profoundly empowers women.…
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Deb Chard

As a long time senior trainer and activist in Wen-Do Women’s Self Defence, I teach all levels including the instructor training program. Since 1988, I have been part of the creation of safety and wellness programs for colleges, community groups,…
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Claire Huang Kinsley

I first took Wen-Do at the age of sixteen, and it’s no exaggeration to say that the course changed my life. I had never felt strong or athletic, so it was incredibly empowering to realize I could physically defend myself;…
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Laura Hartley

I love that as a Wen-Do instructor I get to create supportive spaces for girls and women to find their own inner strength and work together to challenge the various forms of violence girls and women face in their lives. …
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Heather Howe

As a survivor of physical and sexual violence, Wen-Do has been a life changing experience for me. It helped me feel safer, increased my confidence, and ultimately helped me to heal.…
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Anne Rudzinski

Hey there! I’m Anne – a new instructor with Wen-Do Women’s Self Defence, located in Windsor, Ontario. I absolutely love the way community and connection forms in Wen-Do spaces. Of course I love the verbal and physical techniques (as one…
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Alexandra Wiseman

Alex has been working in the world of mental health in a variety of capacities for the past decade and currently runs a virtual private practice as a Registered Social Worker.…
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